Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island
I love looking at the ocean it calms me!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bucket List Achievements Thus Far

I have only partially done 2 on the list.

  1. Might do this for my birthday in October

  2. Will keep my out for people who I know who ride motor bikes

  3. Learn a new skill - I'm a support worker and i've learnt how to do transfers. Transferring people from chair to bed, bed to chair, chair to shower chair....

  4. Learn a new language - may do this next year

  5. Write a 5000 word short story - look above to next blog - have written 2 x 250 words short stories in a challenge

  6. Have dinner at 3 to 5 different international restaurants

(1) In June I went to the Philipino News Years celebration and had a chicken and spinach dish with rice

(2) In July I went to a Japanese restaurant and had a savory mince & vegetable in a thin omlette

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