Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island
I love looking at the ocean it calms me!

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Choice - Revelation

I watched the movie The Choice tonight and was utterly charmed.

I got a revelation during the movie about myself

While the hero is charming the heroine I had a thought.

If someone was courting or dating me and they got too close to knowing me as a person I would probably push them away. They would need to get to know me gradually as I think too fast too quick would freak me out. The last person I knew who knew me really well as a person besides God was my dad. I think I would be afraid if I got to know this person too quickly is would scare me that they might go away and never come back and it would take me very long time to recover from that. Its taken 2 years of grieving my dad's passing to start bringing people outside of work and immediate family back into my life.

I've joined a connect group and meeting them for the first time on Wednesday.

Also started attending church with my friend twice in the last month. Will try to commit to attend at least 3 Sunday nights a month.

It Valentine's Day on Sunday. My brother birthday and I've gotten myself and my mum a present.

Going to see Zoolander 2 with my brother on Monday.

Its a way of spending time with my brother its kind of something we have started doing as our thing.

Happy Valentine's Day for Sunday!
Be kind to yourself!
Until Next Time
The Best is Yet to Come - Brian Houston Quote :)