Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island
I love looking at the ocean it calms me!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Goals and Dreams

It's 5.26pm on Monday 31 December 2012 and just hours from the new year. Going to spend some time with friends this New Year's Eve and then spend some time watching dvds at home.

Thinking about goals and dreams for 2013

Its 12 November 2013 and I'm reviewing my goals for 2013

Here's what I'm aiming for:
  • Trip to Orlando in February - in August 2014 will be traveling to Orlando with my mum since we delayed the trip as mum didn't want to be more than 24hrs away from dad as he was dying of Cancer
    • Go to Disneyworld
    • Go to Walmart
  • Easterfest in March - went and really enjoyed myself and found a new artist or two to enjoy - Bec Laughton & Luminate
    • Get NewWorld Son and Compliments of Gus autograph
    • Enjoy the long long drive
  • Lose 15 to 30kg in body weight - still not a reality
    • Exercise at least 5 times a week by end of year
  • Finish Cert IV in Disability by end of year - I have 5 months to get this done before 11 Apr 14 and will probably be a race to the finish to achieve this.
Well Happy New Year!!! and drive Safe

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I wrote a Cute Short Story

Last month my dad found out he no longer has cancer. He's still on pain medication and sleeps a lot. There are things that remind me of my recovery six years ago. Its scary but also helps me help my mum understand what's going on with my dad sort. Since he has a very straightforward personality who likes to be in control.

I follow The Craftie Ladies of Love Inspired and Elnora said I thought since it's writing day, why don't we all come up with a short, short story for this picture. I took this while we were in Arkansas. Can you create a two or three paragraph short tale about this picture. Remember to let your characters tell the story. When I have spare moments, I'll check in and see how we're doing!

This is what I wrote:
'So Aunty how'd you met Uncle?' Katie asked.
"I needed some air partway through my younger sister's garden wedding reception. The sun was just setting so I wondered away to find some quiet. Found myself walking along and gazing at the sunset and heard this voice over my shoulder
'I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.'
'If that's the best line you've got you need your in trouble' I replied.
'I got it off google. But for the effort could I at least get your name.'
I laughed and told him my name was Alisha. We chatted for a bit and then I agreed to one date and the rest is best for another time. And now my favourite niece. It's time for you to not keep that nice young man waiting get down that aisle!'

And then I checked everyday to see what she thought. I really need to get a life if I this desperate for approval or maybe I'm don't feel very confident that what I wrote was any good.

It took sometime to write this as I guess I wanted to follow the guidelines.

Finally received feedback and she said - That is so cute. Thanks for being so brave.!! I wondered if everyone had left the planet!! Sweet story.

And I said - Thanks, yep I was wondering what happened or maybe busy with thanksgiving :)

I guess it's my way of coping with the aftermath of the last couple of months of hoping and praying that my dad would be healed from cancer.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random Crying and Cancer

DVDs and books use to be my safe place to escape but since my Dad has cancer it's no longer safe.

I was watching a show and two friends hugged and I started crying.

I was reading a book and one of the characters Dad had cancer and I started crying.

Why is cancer destroying my safe place so I can handle life and now my safe place is gone. Books no longer interest me or truthfully I don't want to read about death which is pointless, see people hugging.

I don't want my Dad to die of CANCER and I want to be able to hug him.

Hugging my dad is always fun and he always tries to dance with me and make me laugh.

I'm crying as I'm writing this and I want it to stop.

I need a new safe place to escape from reality! And I'm up for ideas!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I just found out this afternoon that my dad has been diagnosed with cancer. I was volunteering in reception as my church today and my dad phoned me asking for one of the pastors the church counsellor was in the foyer and so I gave my phone to him. My dad got him to break the news to me. I started crying straight away. The counsellor, Graham chatted with me after he told me that my dad has cancer. I just had to found something positive in all of it. The best I came up with was if he needed to stay in the spare room that it would have clean sheets as I'd washed them just two days ago. Also that my job as a support worker will enable me to take care of dad if need be. At the moment my dad in the hospital since last night. His cancer is on his esophagus and its progressive. As this type of cancer is not obvious in general tests. At the moment the local doctors are contacting regional doctors to come up with an action plan and which regional location will best suit his situation. I can't seem to able to pray with crying and I hate that cause if I start crying I'm afriad I won't be able to stop. My dad asked me to pray for him and I'd only just gotten my tears under control and so my dad starts praying for me while i'm crying my eyes out. When I got home this afternoon I phoned long distance to the local flourist which is situated opposite the hospital. I arranged to have medium brown bear to be delivered to my dad with a note starting "To Daddy, Just beginning to fight. Love Scraproni" My brother phoned me and said thanks for the bear and that mom loved it and my dad has named him "Fighter". My dad is not a quitter and is a strong Christian man! He will fight this cancer with faith, prayer and a strong Queenslander stance. With God on our side who can be against us! Amen

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sick and Tired of my week

color: black;">This week I've been sick with a head cold and I haven't had anyone in my life ask how I'm going I've been the one telling people how I'm doing. Yesterday I received an email from my gym saying "I noticed we haven’t seen you for a while and was checking to see how everything was going? Don’t forget the best way to reach your goals is to do a Curves Smart workout 3 times per week!" I replied "I've been sick with the flu so haven't had the energy to make it to the gym this week" and their reply was "Get well soon" That's just sad when my gym is worried and no one else really seems to care. I've worked for the last 3 days sucking on butter menthol to fight off a cough, popping chocolates to ward of drowsiness, oh the joys of being a casual. I just finished watching a series finale where a character dies and I cried my eyes out. I was crying due to my grandfather since he reminded of the characters personality quirks. Then today I had a great day still have the cold but I got paid to go sing with a lady I work with and got told that after a three weeks and pending on how well I fit within a new house I will be signed on as a permanent part-time with an average of 28 hours a week. And instead of working during my annual with no pay I will be going on a trip to New Zealand with my mum. Thank you God for blessing me and helping me get through the week.

Great Marriage Proposal Quote:
"Woman you are everything I never realised I needed"
- Cooper

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bucket List 2012

I looked over my list from last year and decided to make a list that I can actually achieve and put a timer on achieving it. I want to achieve my bucket list before the end of November 1. Travel to New Zealand with my Mum 2. Organise and plan a trip to Europe for last next year in 2013 3. Make a list of places I would like to visit for a trip to America in 2014 4. Complete one scrapbook layout a month with Big Picture Classes 5. Create on Canvas picture through 4 art classes. 6. Pamper myself at least once a month with either a facial, massage or manicutre. 7. Do at least one weekly writing exercise with 8. Achieve my weight goal of 5 kilos a month for 6 months = 30kg

A Single Ladies Quotes on Twitter

let me love you and i'm totally ready for the job actually i'm already doing the job...where's that man for me...#overbeingsingle
From a movie I saw on 28 March 2012
Do you ever do this n that, here n there, now n then? :)
Quote from a book I read on 24 April 2012 the conversation that brought this quote together made me laugh
It was a beautiful service when the preacher said leave ur hearts n bring ur chairs to the lord - Chonda Pearce
From a CD of Chonda's that makes me laugh on 15 May 2012
Going to b a long day grandads funeral, feel on the verge of crying need chocolate n tissues to get thru please pray for my family
from 9 February 2012
Everyone feels like they r part of a puzzle just wanting to know where they fit - daniel pappas
... you may not be where you want to be but you're not where you used to be! don't give up you are closer than you think ...
I borrowed this from Christine Caine
"A real Christian is the one who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip."