color: black;">This week I've been sick with a head cold and I haven't had anyone in my life ask how I'm going I've been the one telling people how I'm doing.
Yesterday I received an email from my gym saying "I noticed we haven’t seen you for a while and was checking to see how everything was going? Don’t forget the best way to reach your goals is to do a Curves Smart workout 3 times per week!" I replied "I've been sick with the flu so haven't had the energy to make it to the gym this week" and their reply was "Get well soon"
That's just sad when my gym is worried and no one else really seems to care.
I've worked for the last 3 days sucking on butter menthol to fight off a cough, popping chocolates to ward of drowsiness, oh the joys of being a casual.
I just finished watching a series finale where a character dies and I cried my eyes out. I was crying due to my grandfather since he reminded of the characters personality quirks.
Then today I had a great day still have the cold but I got paid to go sing with a lady I work with and got told that after a three weeks and pending on how well I fit within a new house I will be signed on as a permanent part-time with an average of 28 hours a week.
And instead of working during my annual with no pay I will be going on a trip to New Zealand with my mum.
Thank you God for blessing me and helping me get through the week.
Great Marriage Proposal Quote:
"Woman you are everything I never realised I needed"
- Cooper